Monthly Archives: July 2010

iPad provides support as an assistive technology and others hold their breath for the alternatives.

iPad accessibility information is provided on the Apple website but we have yet to explore the Android and  Dell Streak apps or other android features for accessibility.

When it comes to iPad, Richard Ells from University of Washington Information Technology Dept, (Seattle USA) provided links to:

A Whole New World – How an iPad is helping a boy with cerebral palsy

The iPad as an Affordable Communicator
This is an Initial Review – A person with cerebral palsy tries out Proloque2Go app on an iPad

iPad App Helps Autistic Teen Communicate
iMean is an app that turns the entire iPad screen into a large-button keyboard, helping speech-challenged communicate needs and ideas.”

MindMeister for iPad is now available from the iTunes store and syncs with your online mindmaps.

Spectronics have a list of iPhone/iPad Apps for AAC

Ricky Buchanan of ATMac talks about how she is going to explore more apps and the fun of the ipad

Finally the Telegraph say that the RNIB thinks the Apple iPad is ‘great gadget’ for blind people