Those attending were Mike Wald(MW) Lester Gilbert (LG), Garry Wills (GW), Seb Skuse (SS), Yunjia Li (YL), Mary Gobbi (MG), Lisa Roberts (LR), Debbie Thackray (DT) and E.A. Draffan (EA)
Apologies were received from Lisa Harris
Review of work to date
In the interim EA has met up with 5 Synote users (3 from the team) and collected the scores mentioned in the previous blog along with issues that particularly worried most researchers. More interviews are planned.
There was a lively debate around these issues and it was agreed that the key problem was the uploading of media such as video and audio files ready for transcription. DT had had a particularly difficult time with her research material that needed to be secure as it related to patient data and setting aside an area which allowed DT to make a URL to go into the Synote ‘create recording’ area had proved to be quite difficult. YL agreed to look into this and help Debbie as well as plan a way of solving the problem – initially for Southampton researchers.
It is also possible to install Synote on an organisation’s server to solve the problem of sensitive data – MG has agreed to check the possibility of using a Virtual Private Network to access the department’s secure server. There was also the debate about using the ePrints API.
There needs to be guidance visible on the Synote interface such as clear steps for file uploads and better error and login feedback notification.
EA will contact Ed Fynn to help with easy guidance for uploading media files.
Transcriptions – Conventions
MG provided the team with three documents to explain why it would be helpful to have some conventions available within Synote as well as the ability to colour code transcriptions.
Different colours for the various speakers may be difficult if required automatically. Colours options for various themes was another request.
Synote can achieve the pausing in the annotations and comments
Terms and conditions – need to have different permissions for public and private data – check box.
This persona (KT) has been built up from the comments gained from the interviews.
KT wishes to cut down the time spent on transcriptions when using Synote and finds the present design is hampering progress. Relatively accurate transcriptions are required and a way of exporting text and audio sections to make them accessible to all. Ideally there needs to be a way of seeing who is speaking with colour coding and to be able to save annotations with some conventions to a different file format. The annotations need to be tagged for the various themes and linked in some way to other interviews so that when a search is undertaken the various themes appear as a collection. KT admitted finding the uploading of files difficult and felt that each time the system was visited there was some learning to be done!
Storyboarding new ideas for Synote
MG to storyboard qualitative methods and send them to us for plan views.
SS and YL to to storyboard initial interface ideas.
Holiday times discussed
Next Meeting
Doodle URL to be sent to the team.