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The Team

face view of E. A. DraffanE.A. Draffan, the ALUIAR project manager is Research Fellow at the University of Southampton’s School of Electronics and Computer Science and has extensive experience in usability, accessibility testing and evaluation. She has project managed many JISC funded projects, e.g. LexDis (participatory investigation of elearning tools and strategies), Web2access (evaluation of web application usability and accessibility) , REALISE (open source participatory design), as well as many other government and charity funded projects. She also has extensive experience of using commercial and open source tools to analyse recordings within many previous projects.

face view of Yunjia LiYunjia Li is ALUIAR’s lead developer and researcher, and has been Synote’s lead developer since the JISC MACFOB project in 2008. He has a 1st Class Computer Science Degree and a distinction in MSc Web Technologies, as well as extensive experience of web based user interface design.

face view of Seb SkuseSeb Skuse is an ALUIAR developer/researcher, has a 1st Class Information Technology in Organisations Degree and has been lead developer on many JISC agile open source projects since 2009. He has extensive experience of web based user interface design and has also developed ATbar, the accessibility toolbar for websites.

face view of Mike WaldMike Wald is ALUIAR’s Principal Investigator and a Senior Lecturer at the School of Electronics and Computer Science at the University of Southampton. He has taught on undergraduate and postgraduate HCI/usability courses and led the award winning JISC projects MACFOB (developing Synote), LEXDIS (involving extensive use of NViVO software for interview on ‘Adaptable and Learnable User Interface for Analysing Recordings’ (ALUIAR), Page 7 analysis), has advised HEFCE, BECTA, and JISC on technology and usability issues and was involved in the development of the JISC Users and Innovation Development Model.

Dr Wald will lead the project aided by the following co-investigators:

face view of Gary WillsGary Wills is a Technical Leader and a Senior Lecturer in Computer Science at the University of Southampton who has also taught on undergraduate and postgraduate HCI/usability courses. He has led a number of JISC funded projects involving participatory usability co-design, including projects from the Virtual Research Programmes rounds I & III (CORE, VRIC, IBBRE projects). In addition to the JISC funded work Gary has projects funded by the TSB/DTI, ESRC, MRC and NIHR, and therefore has extensive experience developing usable tools for analysing research in the Engineering, Social Science and Medical domains.

face view of Lester GilbertLester Gilbert is lead on project evaluation, a Senior Lecturer at the School of Electronics and Computer Science and was Principal Investigator on REAQ and EFSCE, technical manager of the VRE CORE, co-investigator on FREMA and R2Q2 and has extensive experience of participatory co-design on JISC projects. He has worked for many years leading commercial teams developing computer based software.

face view of Lisa RobertsLisa Roberts is an experienced researcher and clinical physiotherapist, with experience of leading trials in communication and back pain. In August 2007 she commenced a 5-year post (ARC Senior Lecturer in Physiotherapy), funded by the Arthritis Research Campaign leading a mixed methods research programme. She is currently secretary for the Society for Back Pain Research and a member of the Research Committee of BackCare.

face view of Mary GobbiMary Gobbi is a Senior Lecturer and Award Leader for the Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing with Registration in the School of Nursing and Midwifery and will lead on their involvement in the project. She is responsible for research and evaluation of the HEA and ESRC funded Virtual Interactive Practice (VIP) initiative and has been involved with a range of funded research projects including evaluation of nursing education and training provision. It was Mary who first identified the value of Synote for research and was responsible for its demonstration and dissemination at the “Developing video analysis as a pedagogic and research tool for health care simulation: workshop” in February 2009.

face view of Lisa HarrisLisa Harris is Senior Lecturer in Marketing in the School of Management and Programme Director for the Marketing Analytics MSc. She runs workshops on how to use web 2.0 technologies and is exploring ways of using the technology to enhance research, particularly for international students.