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Meeting Sarah Parsons 10:00 am Meeting Sarah Parsons Feb 4 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am Discuss ethics and digital consent forms and use of tablets with AAC support. | 1st Arabic Symbol Dictionary telemeeting 1:00 pm 1st Arabic Symbol Dictionary telemeeting Feb 5 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm This is the first virtual meeting. Agenda to be discussed but could include: Welcome Work packages: Early selection of participants and stakeholders known to HMC with collaboration from the Mada AAC forum as user participation[...] | |||||
2nd Arabic Symbol Dictionary telemeeting 11:00 am 2nd Arabic Symbol Dictionary telemeeting Feb 19 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm Agenda Welcome 1. Focus group discussions taken from items 1 & 6 from last week – expectations on what can be achieved from each group – impact on timeline (April) 2. Advisory Group – Further[...] | ||||||
This is the first virtual meeting.
Agenda to be discussed but could include:
- Welcome
- Work packages:
- Early selection of participants and stakeholders known to HMC with collaboration from the Mada AAC forum as user participation was cited as a plus in comments from reviewers.
- Discuss the need for an advisory group and if so – who?
- Discuss need for systems to support the research and development phases as well as the actual Arabic Symbol Dictionary – Do we need a forum, blogs, a wiki and other social networking sites plus a dedicated website for the dictionary?
- Making Symbol Choices – Further research into available symbols sets to assess suitability, availability and development prospects – so far we only have three free choices and even these will need adaptations.
- Core vocabulary – select words that can be shown in each symbol set chosen as possibly being suitable for use by Arabic AAC and other symbol users. Prepare selections for participants as a series of the symbols representing similar concepts via an online portal and in print format.
- Gather a group of participants (AAC users, carers and stakeholders) to observe choices of symbols. Discuss outcomes with the team and if possible have the results available as an online voting system so that we can clearly show which symbol set was the best for the users.
- Symbol systems ranked in order of preference with particular reference to symbols that have proved to be inappropriate – mini report of outcome.
- Decisions around the development of a Gulf Arabic Core Vocabulary for AAC users – how this will be achieved so that we can then start to develop the dictionary.
- Appointment of additional staff.
- AOB. Date for next meeting.
1. Focus group discussions taken from items 1 & 6 from last week – expectations on what can be achieved from each group – impact on timeline (April)
2. Advisory Group – Further decisions – letter to each of the advisors explaining the project and involvement as an advisor.
3. Web services – update on progress – online database for symbol comparisons.
4. Symbol choices taken from items 4 & 6 – update from the partners – impact on timeline (April).
5. Core Vocabulary taken from items 5 & 8 – Availability of Arabic vocabulary – implication of the types of words within the core vocabularies and how this affects symbol sets – impact on timeline (April)
6. Staffing update
7. Development of a timeline for work packages once contracts in place.
8. AOB and next meeting – Doha March 15-18th, 2014.
This virtual meeting will allow us to get over the minutes from the time we had in Doha. We will be able to discuss the issues that have been arising with core vocabularies and multi-word symbols.
The planned Agenda includes
1. Focus group
Update from Tullah regarding meetings with members of the forum since its inception.
2. Advisory Group
Dr Sarah Parsons and Dr Chris Abbott have confirmed their acceptance as critical friends -Discussion about other possible critical friends.
3. Discuss need for an online discussion group system for the forum
Who will be setting up the Google Group and were the forum members happy with this idea as a way of spreading news and gaining feedback.
4. Making Symbol Choices
Discussion about the website for making symbol choices with example pages.
5. Staffing update
Interviews for a speech therapist/linguistics specialist. Possible support for symbol/graphic designs
6. Development of a timeline for work packages once contracts in place.
Are there any necessary changes to be made to the timeline – Gantt chart
7. First six month report.
Mike has sent round the template – we need to discuss the main points to be included.
8. AOB
9. Next meeting date and time
Arabic Symbol Dictionary – Agenda May 12th 2014,1pm Qatar time and 11am UK time
- Those attending and apologies
- Minutes of the last meeting – changes and acceptance
- Matters arising from the minutes that do not come into the following items in the agenda such as 1st biennial report, staffing update and resources
- Focus group and interviews for core / fringe vocabularies – Tullah/EA – issues around Arabic and English lexicons and symbol collection.
- Advisory Group – further confirmations – need to send members a version of 1st biennial report and updates on the project
- Mail list serve for AAC Forum participants
- Making Symbol Choices – Symbol Manager update – link using my home email address and password which we will change after this event! password ead123
- Dissemination –
- AAATE workshop on Care and Technology – Holland – Poster
- ICCHP 2014 – Poster – Paris
- ISAAC 2014 – Portugal
- Arabic Natural Language Processing Workshop
collocated with EMNLP 2014, Doha, Qatar - RAATE 2014 UK –
- Communication Matters 2014 UK –
- Next Telemeeting – Phone number for Southampton #4402380593667
Arabic Symbol Dictionary – Agenda January 8th, 2015, 12.30pm Qatar time and 09.30am UK time
- Those attending and apologies
- Minutes of the last meeting – changes and acceptance
- Any matters arising from the minutes – ARASAAC contact, Audio recordings and Arabic translation.
- Voting choices for Symbol Manager that will be used on 19th January, 2015
- Organisation of voting lunch on 19th January, 2015
- Core vocabularies – First 400/500 Arabic words/phrases
- Parts of Speech and lexical entry issues
- Checking with Dana that Google+ and symbol creation working well.
- Timescales for Year 2 – work packages – any changes needed?
- Conference proposals and acceptances – CSUN etc.
- Next Telemeeting – Phone number for Southampton #4402380593667
Arabic Symbol Dictionary – Agenda January 26th, 2015, 12.30pm Qatar time and 09.30am UK time
- Those attending and apologies
- Minutes of the last meeting – changes and acceptance
- Any matters arising from the minutes – Audio recordings and Arabic translation.
- Discussion about outcomes from voting sessions on 18/19th January, 2015
- Discussion about prioritising symbols to be developed, who many in a batch and next voting session.
- First 400/500 Arabic words/phrases – categorising, POS etc
- Case Studies
- Initial Dictionary Interface design ideas for first batch of accepted symbols.
- Conference proposals and acceptances – Confirmation of attendance -CSUN etc.
- Next Telemeeting – Phone number for Southampton #4402380593667