Accessibility Cloud

The Accessibility Cloud aggregates all the knowledge about accessibility into a commonly available, linked and searchable resource.


The Accessibility Cloud aggregates all the knowledge about accessibility into a commonly available, linked and searchable resource. Keeping it in Context: Accessibility issues will be categorised into perspectives to keep them in context with their intended use, e.g. pedagogy, technology and disability.

The Accessibility Cloud project will be harvesting the existing accessibility content from previous JISC funded projects, making the data commonly available and searchable and making sure that the engine and data are secure, portable and able to be mirrored. The initial projects providing the linked data are LexDis, Web2Access, Phoebe, Gateway to Excellence and JISC RSC Yorkshire and Humberside "Excellence in Inclusivity". Each site offers a different approach to the subject of teaching and learning with the use of technology. This will mean that users of the accessibility cloud will have the chance to see for example the use of portable devices in colleges, their impact on various disabilities, the strategies developed by students and the way they can be used by staff in their day to day teaching.

It is hoped that it will be possible to browse by a series of categories and search the active data from all the websites but in a way that allows for different perspectives such as a pedagogical approach, disability viewpoint and technology choices.

Project originally funded by


Jisc is a United Kingdom public body whose role is to support post-16 and higher education, and research, by providing leadership in the use of information and communications technology (ICT) in learning, teaching, research and administration.