4th Arabic Symbol Dictionary meeting

April 15, 2014 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

This virtual meeting will allow us to get over the minutes from the time we had in Doha. We will be able to discuss the issues that have been arising with core vocabularies and multi-word symbols.

The planned Agenda includes

1.            Focus group

Update from Tullah regarding meetings with members of the forum since its inception.

2.            Advisory Group

Dr Sarah Parsons and Dr Chris Abbott have confirmed their acceptance as critical friends -Discussion about other possible critical friends.

3.            Discuss need for an online discussion group system for the forum

Who will be setting up the Google Group and were the forum members happy with this idea as a way of spreading news and gaining feedback.

4.            Making Symbol Choices

Discussion about the website for making symbol choices with example pages. 

5.            Staffing update

Interviews for a speech therapist/linguistics specialist.  Possible support for symbol/graphic designs

6.            Development of a timeline for work packages once contracts in place.

Are there any necessary changes to be made to the timeline – Gantt chart

1st year Gantt chart

1st year Gantt chart

7.            First six month report.

Mike has sent round the template – we need to discuss the main points to be included.

8.            AOB

9.            Next meeting date and time