Tag Archives: Devices for Dignity

Video by JISC Digital Media about the REALISE Project

Marc has managed to put together all our comments about the REALISE  Project and Mike has added a transcript so it can all be seen on Synote and you can add comments!

A big thank you also to Enid Bensa, Ross Gardler, Mike Wald, Andy Heath with his bike and Peter Cudd for sharing their thoughts on the subject of the REALISE market place that has now received further funding from Devices for Dignity 

Realise market place receives further funding from D4D

D4D logoDevices for Dignity (D4D) has kindly supported the continuation of the Realise market place for the innovation of open source assistive technologies. The aim is to investigate the market and to follow through a series of case studies from idea to project implementation.

D4D in their news item titled ” New online marketplace to create Assistive Technologies”  announced that:

Project REALISE was developed through JISC funding awarded to the Universities of Southampton and Sheffield and will now continue to develop with the National Healthcare Technology Co-operative, Devices for Dignity (D4D).

REALISE will support some of the most innovative projects through the next steps of their development. Commercial companies and researchers are invited to become involved in open project development at any time.

Senior Research Associate at the University of Sheffield, Dr Peter Cudd said: “REALISE facilitates the development of software that ensures online equality. We hope the launch of this exciting online workspace at RaATe and KT-Equal will inspire individuals and companies to join us in this exciting endeavour.”